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Visitors 879
Modified 24-Sep-18
Created 16-Oct-07
192 photos

Wellington 1st Div. from Wakarere, about 1949RAE;unknown;Randal Elliott: Martyn Spencer. Wakarere about 1949Marinus Q C Sound 1950sMarinus - Kumutoto Bay ca. 1960Marinus at Picton around 1957Wakarere about 1953Jenny on Wakarere off Dieffenbach, QC SoundWakarere about 1953Wakarere; Kate at helm with Family. About 1954Wakarere QC Sound about 1955Jenny; US Amb.Aker. Commodore Bob; Mrs Akers. About 1962Lutine Crew Lisbon 1963Lutine 1963 Plymouth - Lisbon RaceLutine at CowesLutineTrots @ Cowes1963Griffin-RORC Club boat. DL raced to CherbourgDL on Marinus 1964David Lackey;John Toogood 1964Running by the lee?   DL Photo

Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Elliott, Lackey, NZ Yachting